Hello everyone, welcome to my blog. Let me ask you a question: Do you know someone who will not like pizza? I definitely do not. But how many people actually make their pizza dough at home? Not much, I’m afraid. Most people think it’s hard to make homemade pizza dough properly, but it could not be further from the truth. Let me show you how I do mine. You will be amazed at how easy it really is.

Note: I use this pizza dough in both of mine Pizza Prosciutto and Jelpanos and White chicken pizza Recipes.

What flour to use for homemade pizza dough?

Personally, I have the best experience with 00 type flour, Which is a very finely ground white wheat flour with a high protein content. You can also use “Strong flour” or “flour for any purpose” And I used too “Bread flour” With great results. Since my pizza dough recipe works with yeast, do not use puffed flour. Whole grain flours can also be used for a slightly healthier version of your pizza crust.

in simple words, You can use several types of flour to make a great pizza dough, just make sure you choose a thin type with a high protein content of 12% or more. The type of flour has more of an effect on the texture of the crust than on the taste. So whatever type of flour you choose, the pizza will still taste great. A 00 membrane will be lighter with a puffy tip full of air pockets, while a membrane made of wholemeal bread flour will be on the heavier, thicker and denser side.

Is it possible to freeze homemade pizza dough?

Simple answer: Yes! Pizza dough freezes just beautifully. You can divide the remaining dough into individual balls, cover with cling film or put in a freezer bag and go out with them to the freezer. Frozen homemade pizza dough stays good for at least 3 months. When making a pizza from frozen dough, let it thaw and reach room temperature first.

Ingredients for my pizza dough recipe

These are the ingredients needed for this pizza dough recipe.

800 g (6.5 cups) Type 00 flour
500 ml (2 cups) Water (60-70% hydration)
3 teaspoons Salt
1 tsp Garlic powder
2-3 tbsp Olive oil

How to make homemade pizza dough

Watch the video or scroll down for step-by-step instructions:

We’ll start by bringing the yeast back to life. I use dry yeast today, but it is also possible with instant or fresh yeast. Simply mix it with a glass of water and a teaspoon of sugar and let it sit for about 5 minutes or until it starts to bloom. You can also run the yeast without adding sugar! To make this happen, use less water and bring in a tablespoon or two of flour. It will take longer this way, but it works.

Note: The total amount of water includes the amount you used to activate the yeast, so be sure to measure this.

I use dry yeast.

Meanwhile, prepare the flour. Usually, I use type 00, but also flour for any purpose or bread works great. Sift the flour through a colander and add to the bowl. I work with 800 grams which is worth 6 and a half cups. This amount is just right for making 3 or even 4 large pizzas.

Sift the flour to make a lighter pizza crust.

Add 3 teaspoons of salt and a teaspoon of garlic powder. Garlic powder is an optional ingredient, but I think it makes the pizza crust taste better. Now prey all together properly.

Add salt and a little garlic powder.

Once the yeast and water mixture starts to bubble or bloom, the yeast is ready then add them to the bowl. The last ingredient in the pizza dough I use is olive oil, add about 3 tablespoons. Now turn on the mixer and let it work for about 10 minutes. You can also knead the dough by hand, I just like to save myself some work.

I add some olive oil to my pizza dough.

We need to talk about the amount of water that goes into the dough For a little. Inhale 60-70% moisture. Closer to 60% if you are making pizza dough for the first time. Moist dough translates into a lighter pizza crust, but is harder to work with because it is more sticky.

In our case this means 500 ml or about 2 glasses of water in total, including the water we used to activate the yeast. It’s about 63% hydration and it’s a ratio I like to work with. But please, this is not rocket science, do not worry if you used a tablespoon or two of extra flour.

Note: The ratio of water and flour is Calculated by weight, No volume! Use kitchen weight to make sure you are using the right amount.

Once the pizza dough does not stick to the sides of the bowl anymore, It’s ready and we can turn off the mixer.

Properly kneaded pizza dough should not be too sticky.

Dust the table with flour and remove the dough from the bowl. Use your hands to create a beautiful ball, place it in a closed container and let swell at room temperature for about two hours or until it doubles in volume. Alternatively, you can go for slow fermentation in the refrigerator, up to 3 days.

advice: If you decide to let the dough ferment slowly in the refrigerator, give it some time to return to room temperature before working with it.

Once the pizza dough has risen, it’s time to create our pizza crust. Dust the table again with flour and remove the dough from the container. Also put some flour on the dough and create an oval shape out of it. As I mentioned, this amount of dough is enough for 3 pizzas, so let’s divide what we have into 3 smaller pieces.
