Homemade caramelized apples are a great addition to breakfast pancakes and French toast, desserts (such as crepes) and ice cream. They are also a great addition to berry cheese, goat cheese and even meats, like pork ribs and chicken. The apples are sautéed in butter, lemon juice, cinnamon, brown sugar and finished just with a touch of honey! This recipe provides detailed tips and step-by-step instructions for sauteed apples. They are delicious, easy to prepare, vegetarian and gluten free!

Holiday dessert made in 30 minutes!

Caramelized apples are a festive fall dessert that will be a great addition to any holiday menu. This is a really easy recipe that just takes 30 minutes And requires One pan Perfect for preparation Thanksgiving and Christmas When we’re already stunned in the kitchen. These apples are completely homemade from scratch: they are sautéed in butter, cinnamon, brown sugar and honey. When caramelized, the apples get a beautiful “roasted” look, with a soft texture and buttery and sweet. The delicious and easy recipe to make in 30 minutes is vegetarian and gluten free!

Use them as a holiday dessert, toppings for breakfast, or even as a side dish like in the pumpkin stuffed with apples.

Caramelized apples – how to use them

Caramelized apples are an incredibly versatile recipe in the sense that they can be added to so many dishes! Let’s look at some of the ways you can use stir-fried apples in butter, lemon juice, cinnamon, brown sugar and honey:

  • Breakfast. Add your favorite waffles, pancakes or french toast with caramelized apples to take your breakfast to the next level. The apples can be prepared up to two days in advance. It’s also a great way to dress up your holiday breakfast for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve!
  • yogurt.Add them as a icing to all types of regular yogurt or Greek yogurt.
  • Dessert. Stir-fried apples can be used as a filling or as an addition to crepes. Take a look at these homemade crepes with a creamy ricotta cheese filling and caramelized apples.
  • an ice cream. Just picture a cold ice cream icing with hot and sizzling sliced ​​apples. You can dress up any simple ice cream that way!
  • Meats. Caramelized apples are a great addition to burnt or grilled meats, as are these pork chops with apples.

Stir-fried apples in a stainless steel pan


  • Apples. I used 2 green apples (Granny Smith) and 2 red apples (Gala or Fuji). This is done for show purposes because the apples are not peeled, and the green and red colors definitely add life! You can use any other variety of apples. The key here is the texture. The apples should have a firm texture and not be soft.
  • Brown sugar. Use only 3 or 4 tablespoons. It is best to use dark brown sugar.
  • cinnamon. You only need a teaspoon of cinnamon to get the taste. Feel free to add more if you want!
  • lemon juice. Add one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to chopped apples.
  • butter. I like to use salty butter to saute the apples to add just a touch of saltiness.
  • honey. Add the honey right at the end, out of the heat, to sizzle the apples and caramelize them even more.
  • Fresh thyme. Fresh chopped thyme adds a salty flavor. You can also use fresh oregano.

How to make caramelized apples (step by step pictures)

Prepare the apples. I used 4 apples (2 red and 2 green for show purposes). Birch the apples and slice each lengthwise.

Apples sliced ​​on a plate

Place sliced ​​apples in a large bowl, add brown sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice and stir. Let the apples sit for about 15 minutes to release juices.

Sliced ​​apples with brown sugar and cinnamon in a bowl

In a large skillet, heat 2 tablespoons butter over high heat. Add sliced ​​apples (no juice at the bottom of the pan) cook on high heat for about 3 or 5 minutes, checking occasionally. After 3 or 5 minutes, turn sliced ​​apples to the other side and let them simmer over medium-high heat for another 3 or 5 minutes. Remove from the heat.

Fry apples in a pan

Depending on the degree of heat of your stove, it may take you more or less time to cook apples, the key is to brown them or even get a slightly “burnt” effect. But do not overdo it.

Immediately after removing the pan with roasted sliced ​​apples from the heat, immediately add honey – this will make the apples sizzle and caramelize them nicely, out of the heat.

Stir-fried apples glazed with honey in a pan

Tips and recipe notes

  • Use both green and red apples.This makes sauteed apples look much more appealing. I used gala apples for red and granny Smith for green.
  • texture. Pick apples that have a firm texture and are not soft. These work best for bouncing.
  • Do not peel them. Keep the peels of the apples. It creates a beautiful presentation and preserves the fiber in your food! Also, because you caramelize the apples, the peel softens and tastes amazing!
  • Use fresh herbs.Top with boiled apples with fresh herbs, such as thyme or oregano to add some salty flavor. Fresh herbs also look beautiful.
  • Fry apples in groups.To get this beautiful “roasted look”, be sure to fry apples in one layer, in groups. Do not overload the pan or pan.

Caramelized apples in a stainless steel pan

What to serve with stir-fried apples

  • Pork ribs with apples – Stir-fried apples are a perfect addition to grilled or grilled meats and create a beautiful presentation for dinner!
  • Pumpkin stuffed with apples – this versatile recipe is a perfect addition to the holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas).
  • Baked Berries with Apples – The apples are caramelized with brown sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice and honey and then added on top of the melted berry cheese.
  • Crepes with a creamy ricotta cheese filling and caramelized apples – a perfect dessert for fall!

Other ways to cook apples

  • Light apple squares made with cinnamon and brown sugar. These delicious cake snacks are very moist, thanks to the vegetable oil and simple Greek yogurt.
  • An apple pumpkin bundet cake studded with dolce de leche and chopped pecans is the best and lightest autumn cake. A great holiday recipe for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
  • Bundle Pecan Cake Cranberries – Vanilla, cranberries, apples and pecans give the bundet cake a lot of flavor and crispiness of the holiday!
  • Greek Cinnamon Yogurt Pancakes Apples stuffed with grated apples and prepared with Greek yogurt instead of milk. A delicious recipe for breakfast!
Stir-fried apples in a stainless steel pan


Caramelized apples

# wprm-recipe-user-rating-0 .wprm-rating-star.wprm-rating-star-full svg * {fill: # 343434; } # wprm-recipe-user-rating-0 .wprm-rating-star.wprm-rating-star-33 svg * {fill: url (# wprm-recipe-user-rating-0-33); } # wprm-recipe-user-rating-0 .wprm-rating-star.wprm-rating-star-50 svg * {fill: url (# wprm-recipe-user-rating-0-50); } # wprm-recipe-user-rating-0 .wprm-rating-star.wprm-rating-star-66 svg * {fill: url (# wprm-recipe-user-rating-0-66); } linearGradient # wprm-recipe-user-rating-0-33 stop {stop-color: # 343434; } linearGradient # wprm-recipe-user-rating-0-50 stop {stop-color: # 343434; } linearGradient # wprm-recipe-user-rating-0-66 stop {stop-color: # 343434; }

Homemade caramelized apples are a great addition to breakfast pancakes and French toast, desserts (such as crepes) and ice cream. They are also a great addition to berry cheese, goat cheese and even meats, like pork ribs and chicken. The apples are sautéed in butter, lemon juice, cinnamon, brown sugar and finished just with a touch of honey! This recipe provides detailed tips and step-by-step instructions for sauteed apples. They are delicious, easy to prepare, vegetarian and gluten free!
Course Dessert, side dish
kitchen American, Mediterranean
Key word Caramelized apples, stir-fried apples
Preparation time 10 subtlety
Cooking time 20 subtlety
Total time 30 subtlety
Dishes 4 people
Calories 228JNF
author Julia


  • 4 Apples 2 green (Granny Smith), 2 red (gala or fuji)
  • 3 Spoons Brown sugar
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 2 Spoons butter
  • 3 Spoons honey
  • Fresh thyme


  • Prepare the apples. I used 4 apples (2 red and 2 green for show purposes). Birch the apples and slice each lengthwise.
  • Place sliced ​​apples in a large bowl, add brown sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice and stir. Let the apples sit for about 15 minutes to release juices.
  • In a large skillet, heat 2 tablespoons butter over high heat. Add sliced ​​apples (no juice at the bottom of the pan) cook on high heat for about 3 or 5 minutes, checking occasionally. After 3 or 5 minutes, turn sliced ​​apples to the other side and let them simmer over medium-high heat for another 3 or 5 minutes. Remove from the heat.
  • Depending on the degree of heat of your stove, it may take you more or less time to cook apples, the key is to brown them or even get a slightly “burnt” effect. But do not overdo it, once the apples have this “roast” look.
  • Immediately after removing the pan with roasted sliced ​​apples from the heat, immediately add honey – this will make the apples sizzle and caramelize them nicely, out of the heat.
  • Sprinkle with fresh thyme, if desired. You can also, optionally, pour the delicious juices from the bowl you used for the apples over the cooked apples.


Calories: 228JNF | Carbohydrates: 47P | protein: 1P | Oil: 6P | Saturated fat: 4P | Polyunsaturated fat: 1P | Unsaturated fat: 1P | trans fat: 1P | Cholesterol: 15Mg | sodium: 55Mg | potassium: 222Mg | fiber: 5P | Sugar: 41P | vitamin: 274IU | Vitamin C: 10Mg | calcium: 24Mg | iron: 1Mg

The post Caramelized Apples first appeared on Julia’s album.
