I have not made this recipe for quite some time but I think about it often. I think it will be on the menu sometime during the long weekend of the holidays. I longed for it and now even more that I am writing about it. I’m not sure if I will make pasta myself or if I can cheat and purchase fresh pasta sheets. I hope you have a wonderful vacation no matter how you manage to spend it.

The picture above is from a pasta cooking class I did a few years ago. I definitely expanded myself along with the class by preparing 3 different types of pasta and sauces. Anyone could have been alone. I know everyone who made the bolognese still makes it today. I do not think I have given this recipe enough from the show stopper it needs. It felt rushed and it’s never good in the kitchen. The kitchen for me is a place to create something where I am excited to sit and eat. A place to forget what bothers me. My wish for you is to find your kitchen a happier place than to rush and put something on the table.

You can make everything by hand, although it is highly recommended to use a pasta machine to roll out the dough. It will take a lot of work to get the dough thin enough for ravioli. And that will take away from my wish for you that I mentioned above. I also know that after the pasta-classes Kitchen-Aid did quite well. Some bought the whole unit and those who had the mixer ordered the pasta accessories kit. Welcome to your Kitchen-Aid.

Raviolo al uovo – liquid yolk ravioli


It will be an amazing date night at dinner

Course Dinner

kitchen Italian


  • 2 Cups Ricotta cheese
  • 1 Goblet Freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese And more to submit
  • ¼ Goblet Fresh Italian Parsley
  • 2 big Eggs
  • 8 big Yolks
  • Kosher salt


  • Cups Flour for any purpose And more for dust cleaning
  • 4 big Eggs
  • 1 big yolk
  • ¼ Goblet Extra virgin olive oil
  • Kosher salt


  • 8 tablespoon Salt without salt
  • 2 Cups Chicken stock
  • ¼ Goblet Fresh sage leaves
  • Proscoto crumbled


  • In a medium bowl, mix the ricotta, parmesan, parsley and 2 whole eggs; Mix well and season with salt and then set aside


These directions are straight Man Burrell – is the master pasta maker so why reinvent the wheel

  • You can make your own or you can pick up 1/2 pound of fresh pasta sheets purchased at the store.

  • Toss the flour on a clean, dry work surface. Make a large hole (called a well) in the center of the flour pile – a larger one is definitely better here. Break the eggs into the hole along with the extra yolk, olive oil and 2 tablespoons water; Season with salt. Using a fork, beat the eggs together with the olive oil, water and salt and begin to combine the flour in the egg mixture. Be careful not to break the well or the egg mixture will flow everywhere and you will have a big fat mess on your hands (and on the board). When enough flour is combined so that you can handle the dough, use your hands to unite everything really well. If the mixture is tight and dry, slightly wet your hands. When the mixture is homogeneous start kneading

  • To knead the dough, it is very important to put the body weight into it, get on the dough, and really stretch it. Be careful not to tear it – the idea is that you stretch the dough, not tear it. Use the heels of the palms and roll the mixture over itself. At the end it should be smooth, supple and velvety and look like the head of a damaged cabbage doll. Kneading will last between 8 and 15 minutes

  • When the pasta is ready, wrap it in plastic wrap and let it rest for at least an hour at room temperature before rolling. If you are preparing the dough ahead of time, wrap, refrigerate and bring to room temperature before use.

  • To roll out the pasta, you need to pass the dough through the pasta roll several times to make it long and thin. To start, cut about a quarter of the dough (remember, the bigger the piece you start with, the longer your dough is going to lengthen), keeping the rest wrapped so it doesn’t dry out. Crush the dough to flatten it – this will help it pass through the pasta roll more easily. Where do we start? We start at the beginning! Pass the dough through the pasta roll starting from the widest setting, number 1. Then dust the dough with flour, fold it into thirds, and put the dough into this setting two more times. If the dough ever feels sticky or sticky, give it some flour dust. Now set the setting to number 2 and repeat the process again – change the setting each time until your dough is the desired thickness. After rolling out the dough, be sure to keep the pasta sheets covered so that they do not dry out. Depending on why I want to use pasta, I usually stop around number 5 or 6. For long noodles I keep it thicker, and for ravioli or stuffed pasta I keep it thinner. All pasta machines are different, so you need to judge how your pasta machine works and adjust the roll accordingly. Once you get the desired thickness, repeat this process with the rest of the dough


  • On a clean floured work surface, slice two sheets of pasta about 12 inches long, lightly brushing with water. Equally spaced 4 balls from the ricotta mixture; Using a spoon, create a nest or a small hole in the center of each doll.

  • Carefully separate the rest of the eggs and place an egg yolk in each nest. If you break one spoon, take it out with a spoon. You want to be careful not to break the yolk.

  • Cover the ricotta and egg yolk canes with extra pasta. Use your index fingers to press around each ricotta nest to seal the edges, then use a large cookie cutter or a notched ring cutter or if you can, use a roller cutter, I’m not that good. Repeat – Place the perfect ravioli on a well-floured pan

  • Bring to a boil a large pot with well-salted water. In a large skillet, melt half of the butter and add half of the chicken stock. Season with salt and toss half of the sage inside.

  • Add 4 of the ravioli to the boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, carefully transfer the ravioli from the water to the chicken stock pan and cook for 2 to 3 minutes.

  • Transfer to serving plates and sprinkle a little extra of the sauce on each one and garnish with crumbled parchment if desired.

Key word El Obo ravioli, liquid yolk ravioli
