This year, I missed the Hill Country show of car pants. It saddens me because I realized it was a banner year. But I have some hikes planned this summer, so I hope to see some color, like the lavender fields found at this time of year. Yes, in that part of Texas, just as blondes are for spring, lavender is for summer. While nothing can match a blanket of wildflowers, I would say lavender is still pretty stunning.

Lavender is now in season, and if you were to drive through Hill Country you might see row upon row of this bright purple flower. But lavender is not always grown in Texas.

Many years ago, Texan photographer Rob Kendrick was on a mission in the Provence region of France. Being there, he was surprised by the temporary and geographical similarity between the Land of Hill and Provence. He was also surprised by the beauty of lavender. When he and his wife returned to Texas they set up their first commercial lavender farm outside of Blanco, which spawned a new industry in Hill Country.

For most of my life, my experience with lavender has been a pleasant and soothing scent – something found in soaps or lotions. But when someone shared with me some Hill Country lavender honey a few years ago, I realized its potential for edible applications as well.

Sure, it has a floral flavor but it also has hints of pine, similar to rosemary but not really intense. It goes well with mustard for a salty sauce. It also makes a nice crust on pork. But I find that my favorite way to use it is in sweets.

Lavender honey ice cream is a cool and refreshing way to experience its taste, especially when both the flower and the nectar give it a floral flavor. I like to add some lemon juice because its clarity balances some of the richness of the honey.

Lavender Honey Ice Cream  Texan homesickness

Dried lavender can be found in many farmers markets. You can also get it through Penzey’s and other specialty spice markets. In New York, you can often get it at Westside Market and in Texas, you will find it at Central Market. But even if you can not find lavender, do not worry – you can order it online or replace sage or rosemary.

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Lavender honey ice cream DSC1745

Lavender Honey Ice Cream

  • 1
    sweet cream
  • 2
    Half and half
  • 2
    Lavender flowers are edible
  • 1/2
    Light honey
  • 2
  • 1/2
    Vanilla extract
  • 1
    Freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/2
    Fresh lemon zest
  • 1/4
    Kosher salt
  1. In a saucepan, cook the cream and a half and a half on a medium heat until hot, do not let it boil. Turn off the heat, add the lavender to the pot, cover and let steep for half an hour.

  2. Once the flowers have absorbed, filter the liquid and discard the flowers. Mix the honey into the cream and heat over a low medium until the honey melts. Again, do not let the liquid reach a boil.

  3. Whisk the egg yolks with the vanilla, lemon juice, lemon zest and salt. Stir in the eggs 1/2 cup of the hot liquid and then stir the eggs into the pot.

  4. Heat it over medium-low for 5 minutes or until it gets a little thick. You will know he is ready when he is expecting the back of your spoon. Refrigerate for 4 hours.

  5. Freeze and mix according to your ice cream maker’s instructions. Will be kept covered in the freezer for two weeks.

If you taste the custard before the omelet and find that it is not sweet enough for you, I suggest sweetening it more with sugar rather than honey, as the strong taste of the honey can take over the lavender.
