This Recipe for zucchini items It’s not as basic as you think. The addition of crumbled feta cheese gives it a Greek cheesy twist that is so irresistible.

If you like zucchini dishes, then you should try these Paleo Chicken Zucchini Fritters and these Air Fryer Zucchini Chips.

Table of Contents

Recipe details

I love this recipe of zucchini. It’s so light and is a great snack or topping – even kids love it!

  • taste: These are your basic zucchini pancakes with a Greek twist. The crumbled feta and fresh dill add an amazing flavor.
  • texture: These pancakes are airy and completely crispy. You will love this delicious combination of textures.
  • time: Preparing the recipe will take about 40 minutes.
  • lightness: These zucchini are super simple and easy to make. Grate, stir and cook – that’s all it takes!

Ingredient notes

  • Squash– Choose a good quality pumpkin that is about 6-8 inches long and without defects. They should be firm but soft, and have shiny, shiny skin with small bristles.
  • Eggs- These act as a binder that holds all the components together.
  • Salt- It is essential to pump the water from the zucchini as well as add flavor to this delicate vegetable.
  • dill- Fresh dill adds an earthy herbaceous flavor to the dish that is unbeatable.
  • Feta cheese- This salty, salty and spicy dry cheese adds so many flavors to these pancakes. Do not skip it.

Additions and replacements

  • Substitute other vegetables– You can also prepare this dish with yellow pumpkin, or add mushrooms, potatoes, eggplant and cauliflower.
  • Add various spices – Try this recipe with fresh herbs like chives, mint or parsley. You can also add other spices, like cumin, lemon pepper or paprika.
  • Add meat- Stir in grated or ground chicken, pork, beef or salmon to add flavor and also make these pancakes even more satisfying.
  • Another cheese substitute- Prepare these zucchini with Gouda, Cheddar or Parmesan cheese.

How to make zucchini

  • Shred the zucchini. First, you will want to shred the zucchini using a Grater box And place it in strainer. Next, combine the grated zucchini with salt and squeeze out all the juices.
  • Add the spices and eggs. Now, combine the zucchini, dill, salt, pepper and eggs in a large bowl. Then, add the flour, garlic and feta cheese.
Steps for making zucchini, including dragging the zucchini on a grater box and then mixing the pancake ingredients with a spoon in a bowl.
  • Fry the zucchini pancakes. Heat the olive oil in a pan over medium-high heat and place the zucchini batter balls inside. Cook until both sides of the pancakes are golden.

Professional tip: I use a A large scoop of ice cream Divide the batter. It is less messy and leaves them uniform in size.

Steps for making zucchini, including frying pancakes in oil in a pan until golden.

Recipes tips

  • Use good quality ingredients- For a simple dish like this, you want to get the best ingredients. That means ripe zucchini, fresh herbs and feta cheese soaked in salt (a lump that you crumble yourself, if possible) for the best flavors.
  • Do not grate the zucchini too thin- You want to make sure the pieces of zucchini are still large enough to see and also give some texture to the pancakes.
  • Salt it- This is so important that squeezing alone will not take out all the extra water. The salt causes the zucchini to release the water so you can squeeze them into a crispy dough.
  • Do not let them overcook – These zucchini are not particularly thick and the higher temperature and oil cause cooking to occur quickly. Keep an eye on them to prevent them from burning.
Zucchini are surrounded by a bowl of tzatziki sauce on a white plate

Common questions

Why are my zucchini pancakes wet?

The most likely reason for wet zucchini pancakes is not to take out all the extra moisture from the zucchini before combining with the rest of the ingredients and cooking. Adding salt will help zucchini release water, which you can squeeze or squeeze with a cheesecloth. Just do your best to get the moisture out to prevent wet pancakes.

How wet should the pancake batter be?

Your pancake batter will most likely be on the thicker side because of the flour and larger ingredients, like the grated zucchini. It’s a bit sticky, but not liquid. If the batter of your zucchini pancakes is watery, then it has too much liquid (maybe from the zucchini) and this will cause soaked pancakes. Better a poor horse than no horse at all.

Submission suggestions

These multi-purpose zucchini are great as a snack or served alongside other favorites. Here are some ideas for appointments that are worth trying.

  • Sauces: You can serve these light zucchini pancakes with tzatziki sauce, sour cream or Greek yogurt sauce, as well as Copycat Chick Phil sauce.
  • chicken: I like to serve them with simple lemon chicken, oven-roasted chicken or sucker chicken thighs.
  • pasta: You can also pair these pancakes with cheese-baked rice, Greek chicken pasta salad, or spaghetti with zucchini and garlic.
  • Sides: Enjoy it with other toppings, like sauteed garlic asparagus, Brussels Air Fryer sprouts and simple roasted vegetables.
Zucchini are surrounded on a white plate with tzatziki sauce in the middle

Prepare this recipe in advance

forward: You can prepare the zucchini batter and store it in the refrigerator for cooking later in the day. Or just fry and let the pancakes cool, keep in the fridge until ready to serve.

storage: Store these refrigerated zucchini in an airtight container or wrapped in cling film in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. You can heat them on the stove in a dry pan before serving.

freeze: Freeze these pancakes by placing them in one layer on a baking sheet and freezing for a few hours until poured. We then stored them in a durable container in the freezer or in a ziplock bag for up to 3 months. Thaw and heat to serve.

More delicious zucchini dishes!

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Full recipe instructions


Zucchini recipe

This zucchini pancake recipe is not as basic as you think. The addition of crumbled feta cheese gives them a Greek cheesy twist that is so irresistible.

print penis Grade

Course: appetizer

kitchen: Greek

Preparation time: 20 subtlety

Cooking time: 20 subtlety

Total time: 40 subtlety

Dishes: 30 Fritters

Calories: 21JNF


  • Whisk the zucchini and place it in strainer (With a plate underneath to catch excess fluids). Using your hands, squeeze all the juices.
  • Place the grated zucchini, 1 tablespoon chopped dill, 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper and 3 eggs in a bowl and mix to combine.

  • Add a clove of compressed garlic, 1/3 cup crumbled feta cheese and 6 tbsp flour And stir until incorporated.
  • Heat a 1/4 inch olive oil in a pan over medium-high heat and remove large tablespoons of the zucchini batter. I used a A large scoop of ice cream. I found it to be the perfect size. Cook each side until golden. Serve hot with tzatziki or Greek yogurt sauce.


  • Use good quality ingredients- For a simple dish like this, you want to get the best ingredients. That means ripe zucchini, fresh herbs and feta cheese soaked in salt (a lump that you crumble yourself, if possible) for the best flavors.
  • Do not grate the zucchini too thin- You want to make sure the pieces of zucchini are still large enough to see and also give some texture to the pancakes.
  • Salt it- This is so important that squeezing alone will not take out all the extra water. The salt causes the zucchini to release the water so you can squeeze them into a crispy dough.
  • Do not let them overcook – These zucchini are not particularly thick and the higher temperature and oil cause cooking to occur quickly. Keep an eye on them to prevent them from burning.


Calories: 21JNF | Carbohydrates: 2P | protein: 1P | Fat: 1P | Saturated fat: 1P | Cholesterol: 18Mg | sodium: 182Mg | potassium: seventy sixMg | fiber: 1P | Sugar: 1P | vitamin: 85IU | Vitamin C: 4.7Mg | calcium: 15Mg | iron: 0.3Mg

