Slow-cooking buffalo chicken dip with 6 ingredients is a creamy and spicy mixture of chicken, buffalo sauce, ranch, sour cream and cheddar cheese. Just throw everything in the pottery pot and come back a few hours later for a bubbly and addictive dip.

Today we make some buffalo chicken dip in slow cooking, which is an appetizer version of the beloved buffalo wings, reinvented into tiny bites that can be raked. This spicy and spicy dip is perfect for bringing to cooking, game days, parties or light meals, with the convenience of transporting and maintaining a light heat. 3 qt. Slow cooking.

This dip has a finely grated chicken that is choked with a hot, creamy dip made from melted cream cheese, cool ranch sauce, sour cream, cheddar cheese and a spicy buffalo sauce. The slow cooker tool is about convenience and you let it do all the hard work. This recipe makes a great dish of sparkling dip that goes great with tortilla chips or crispy celery sticks and baby carrots. Serve as is or over it chopped fresh green onions or blue cheese crumbs.

Ingredients in a slow-cooking buffalo chicken dip

Ingredients for making a buffalo chicken dip in slow cooking in preparation bowls.

What’s the difference between Frank’s Hot Sauce and Buffalo Wings Sauce?

Spicy sauce is usually made from salt, vinegar and hot pepper. Buffalo wing sauce is slightly browned in heat because it is made from a combination of spicy sauce, butter and a little spice. The butter works to soften the heat and makes the sauce more creamy.

When recipes use Frank’s hot sauce, they usually include a little melted butter, Worcestershire sauce and garlic powder to get the special flavor of the buffalo wing sauce you are used to in wing houses. Recipes that use buffalo wing sauce instead, usually do not need more than what is in the bottle.

Slow-cooked buffalo chicken served in a clay pot and a black bowl surrounded by tortilla chips, crackers, celery sticks, baby carrots and blue cheese crumbs.

Tips for a slow-cooking buffalo chicken dip recipe

Buffalo sauce I used Frank’s Buffalo Wing Sauce For this recipe. You can use the original spicy sauce if you prefer a more spicy dip but it will not be creamy. The main difference between the two is the inclusion of butter in the buffalo wings sauce to reduce the heat.

Chicken toast – I used rotisserie chicken and scraped it for ease, but you can use any type of cooked chicken that you have on hand. I ended up using almost all the rotisserie chicken to get 4 cups of grated chicken.

shredding – Heating the chicken before grinding helps a lot to differentiate from dragging it straight from the refrigerator or at room temperature. 30 seconds in the microwave is long enough to warm up enough to shred easily. Ideally, you will want a finely grated chicken so that it melts into the dip.

Pictures side by side of a buffalo chicken dip in slow cooking before and after cooking.

Cream cheese – I used two blocks of cream cheese and cut them into cubes. The recipe works best if the cream cheese softens so that it melts more in slow cooking. Let it sit at room temperature for about 15-30 minutes to soften it. Cut the cream cheese into cubes when it is hard so that it is less messy.

Cheddar cheese – The recipe uses 1 1/2 cups of sharp cheddar cheese when 1 cup goes into the dip with the option of the other 1/2 cup to share cheese. I skipped the option of the top of the cheese so that the photos would focus more on the true consistency of the dip. You can also make the dip more cheesy with 2 full cups of cheese by adding 1 1/2 cups into the mixture and adding the remaining 1/2 cup.

Consistency dip – I like my dip with a generous amount of grated chicken in it, so I used 4 cups of chicken. If you prefer a cream cheese ratio to a higher chicken, try 2 cups of chicken and add from there.

Slow-cooked buffalo chicken served in a clay pot and a black bowl surrounded by tortilla chips, crackers, celery sticks, baby carrots and blue cheese crumbs.

Cooking time – I cooked it on low to reduce the chance of ending up with an oil dip. If you cook on high, there is a risk that the oil will separate from the cheese, but if you do not mind, 1-2 hours on high is enough time to cook everything.

You do not have to cook it in a slow cooker for a very long time because the chicken is already cooked. Most of the time cooking is just melting the cheese and combining the flavors together. The dip is ready to serve when the cheddar cheese is completely melted and there are no more chunks of cream cheese.

Green onions – Use a sharp knife when cutting the green onions into strips because they get a little mucous if you hurt too much. The green onion garnish is optional so skip it if you want.

Maintain heat – Move the slow cooker to warm up while entertaining.

Reheating – About 30 seconds in the microwave is enough time to heat a small individual portion of the dip. Increase the time as needed with additional dishes and mix halfway.

A close-up of a slow-cooking buffalo chicken dip added into a tortilla chip.

Stove method – In a saucepan over medium heat, mix everything and cook until the chicken is warm and the cheese has melted.

The oven method – Bake at 350 degrees Celsius for 20-25 minutes or until the cheese has melted. If you have a top, roast at 450 degrees Celsius for 3-4 minutes until the cheese is browned. You can also use this oven-baked recipe for a buffalo chicken dip.

storage – The dip is well kept in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. Reheat in the microwave at 30-second intervals until heated.

Adjust it

Add more heat – This dip is spiced about like delicate buffalo wings. If you want to increase the heat to heat, add some cayenne powder smoothies.

And that’s about it. Enjoy sharing the baptism and enjoy. Tell me how you liked it in the comments below!

More dip recipes to try

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Slow-cooking buffalo chicken dip with 6 ingredients is a creamy and spicy mixture of chicken, buffalo sauce, ranch, sour cream and cheddar cheese.

  • 4 Glasses Cooked chickenShredded (about 1.5 pounds.)
  • 1 Goblet Buffalo Wing Sauce
  • 2 (8 ounces) blocks Cream cheeseCubes and softening
  • 1/2 Goblet Farm dressing
  • 1/2 Goblet Sour cream
  • 1 1/2 Glasses Cheddar cheeseShredded and divided
  • 2 Green onionsSliced ​​(optional)
  • Blue cheese Crumbs (optional)

  1. Add chicken, buffalo sauce, cream cheese, ranch, sour cream and a cup of cheddar cheese. 3 qt. Slow cooking.
  2. Cook on low For 2-3 hours until it is hot and bubbling. Stir well occasionally to help the cheeses melt.
  3. [Optional cheesy top] Spread with 1/2 cup of the remaining cheddar cheese, cover and cook for another 15 minutes or until the cheese is over melted.
  4. Serve and serve hot with tortilla chips, crackers or vegetables topped with optional sliced ​​green onions or blue cheese crumbs.
  5. have fun!


  • Rotisserie chicken is great for this recipe. A regular-sized rotisserie chicken should give you a little over 4 cups of grated chicken.
  • If you are short on time, you can cook it High For 1-2 hours, but it will be slightly oily from the cheese separation.
  • This is a thick and thick dip. If you feel the dip is too thick for you, add a splash of milk to dilute it until you get the desired texture.
  • Add more heat – This dip is spiced about like delicate buffalo wings. If you want to increase the heat to heat, add some cayenne powder smoothies.
  • Scroll to Recipes tips For more useful tips, suggestions and component replacements.
  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: 2 hours

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