With summer not too far away, you’re probably already looking for amazing drinks to serve in the cool shade of your backyard. Lemon Deep Eddy Vodkas are very popular and very refreshing, but how do you make them?

Lemon Vodka Deep Eddy can be put together with a few simple ingredients. With a few slices of lemon, some vodka lemonade and some lemon seltzer water, you’ll soon be sipping one of the most refreshing drinks out there. There’s nothing like a squeeze of lemon when it’s hot outside.

With that in mind, let’s explore a top recipe for deep steamed lemon vodka.

How to make vodka dip and lemonade

If you’re going to make great Vodka Lemon Dip Eddy drinks, you’ll need:

  • Whole lemons without wax: You will slice these to garnish and flavor the drinks. You don’t want wax in them, so try to get fruit without wax. If you can’t, soaking lemons in hot water can help you scrape off the wax, although it’s not a perfect solution.
  • Lemon seltzer water: This will give you that refreshing ferment and enhance the lemony
  • Vodka Lemonade: This provides the alcohol and the flavor, and it’s the perfect way to make a flavored Deep Eddy Lemon Vodka, so don’t skimp on it! If you can’t get vodka lemonade, you might be able to make a substitute from store-bought lemonade and a bottle of vodka. This could be a good solution.
  • rosemary: It adds flavor and a twist of color to your drink, so don’t leave it out. Some fans feel the rosemary is what makes the drink!

Tips and tricks

You can make your Deep Eddy Lemon Vodka recipe extra good by using some of the following top tips:

  • First, make sure you are using really fresh lemons. It is more difficult to cut lemons that are a little past their prime, and will not contain as much juice. This often results in drinks that just don’t taste as good. They will still be reasonable, but they will lack a bit of the “singer” that fresh lemons offer.
  • If possible, make sure you use proper vodka lemonade. If you really can’t get it, you can make a very similar drink with lemonade and vodka mixed together, but you may find that it doesn’t taste as good.
  • Chill the alcohol in the freezer for a few minutes before pouring it into a glass. This prevents the ice from melting too quickly, ensuring you have a delicious cold drink to enjoy.

See also: 18 Cointreau cocktails

Common questions

Q: Can you change the ratio of lemon, vodka and lemon seltzer?

A: Yes! One of the best things about this recipe is that it’s super flexible, so you can make any changes you want to the ratio. If you don’t want a strong drink, reduce the vodka to half a shot and increase the amount of seltzer – or reduce the seltzer and pour a larger shot. You can customize this cocktail however you like.

Q: Do you need the rosemary?

A: If you don’t have your own rosemary plant, you may need to buy sprigs of rosemary specifically for this cocktail, and they won’t stay fresh for long. This can be a bit of a problem – in this case, it might be best to leave out the rosemary. It is a secondary taste, and not a decisive part of the drink.

If you have easy access to other herbs, consider experimenting, but note that rosemary pairs well with lemon, and you may struggle to find a good substitute. In such cases, it might be better to leave it out.

Q: Does it matter what kind of ice cube you use?

A: When you combine ice and alcohol, you often want to slow the melting process of the ice as much as possible so that it keeps your drink cold and doesn’t dilute the alcohol too much. Large ice cubes melt more slowly than small ones, so aim for cubes that are fairly large. This will minimize dilution.

If you prefer to dilute the drink more, choose smaller cubes that will melt faster.

See also: 18 simple gin cocktails


Lemon Vodka Dip Eddy is a delicious summer option that many people enjoy. The sharpness of the lemon will blend nicely with the vodka notes, and both will keep you calm and refreshed, even in the hottest weather. Don’t forget the rosemary if you have it available!

Laura Ritterman

Hi, I’m Laura and after studying a master’s degree in nutrition, becoming a professional chef and appearing in major publications with my recipes I decided to create my own website. This site is where I share unique recipes, tips and cooking inspiration that will allow your culinary abilities to flourish. You can contact me here. For more information, you can find more about me.
