The ultimate guide to Australian slang words and phrases

This post hasn’t even started and I’ve used Aussie slang – Aussie (pronounced “ozy” not “ozy”).

Yes, if you live in Australia, visit down under (yes, that’s some more slang), or even just read my Aussie recipe posts from another part of the world, you’ll have to get used to abbreviations and strange words used for familiar things.

We love our slang insults and instead of answering questions with a simple “yes”, we can sometimes babble a bit with “no, yeah, don’t worry mate”.


Continue reading.

Aussie slang

What is slang?

The Cambridge Dictionary defines slang as “A very informal language that is usually spoken rather than written, used especially by certain groups of people.”

And when it comes to Australian people, there’s a lot of slang to learn. I was born and raised in Australia, and I’m still learning myself.

There is also some nuance involved, and context and location in Australia can be important.

Why do Australians use so much slang?

We use so much slang in Australia that sometimes I’m not even aware that I’m using slang and other times I don’t even understand my fellow Aussies who may be using more obscure slang.

The use of slang is a cultural phenomenon that can be attributed to several factors:

  1. We are Australians, not British. Although settled by the British, over time an Australian dialect developed.
  2. We are geographically isolated, which contributes to the development of a unique culture and identity.
  3. We are calm, friend. And this is reflected in our language.

Ready to find out some of our slang words and phrases?

Aussie Slang: Popular Words and Phrases

Here’s my list of words and phrases that might leave you scratching your head (confused) if you haven’t spent much time in Australia.

This is not exhaustive, so leave a comment below or message me if you think I left something out.


aggro angry or aggressive
Amber liquid beer
Ambo Ambulance or paramedic
ankle biter A young boy
Apples, she will be Will be fine
Ambush afternoon
Australian Australian
Aussie salutes Waving hands to scare away flies
avo Avocado


Burke’s rear A remote location, far from civilization
bail Cancel plans, leave or not show up
Barbie barbecue
Beautiful fantastic
big smoke Big city (for example, Sydney)
motorcycle Cookie
Billy A kettle used on a fire
guy A person
accursed very (as in “it’s hot as hell”)
blood oath very true
Blau blow a fly
Bludger lazy person
blue Nickname for someone with red hair
guy A man, especially an Australian man
Mud in start eating
bogan An unsophisticated person (and usually uses a lot of Australian slang!)
Bonzer Amazing, excellent
bottlo Bottle shop
bowlo bowling club
Barki Breakfast
Buckley’s No chance or very little chance
Proboscis smugglers A tight-fitting swimsuit worn by men
Bandy Bundaberg, a brand of Australian rum
discourse Rural or remote areas of Australia
Talby Bush fire
BYO Bring your own (usually meaning restaurant alcohol or party alcohol/food)
Aussie slang 2


cactus broken, not functioning
Captain Cook, there is a to look
cover it up die or stop working
choccy chocolate
chockers Full to the brim
strangle chicken
chunder vomit
Chrissy Christmas
Clover clothes or clothing
burying friend or spouse
Corker something that is very good
Crikey Used to communicate wonder or surprise
We can sick or not well made
shot A cup of tea or coffee, something to enjoy with a slice


worried An unfashionable person, someone who lacks style or character or a socially awkward person
Dax Pants, pants
Deadst Definitely
miner A soldier, especially an Australian soldier
measuring stick Loser, idiot
spokesman A magical story
A dog’s breakfast messy
The hind leg of the dog, crooked as Someone who is dishonest, unscrupulous or deceptive
down below Australia and New Zealand
Drongo idiot
dumb Services
my generation cigarette


Ear pressing swinging
esky An insulated food/drink container that people take to picnics, barbecues, etc.
exxy Expensive


fair dinkum Unquestionably good or true, often used as a general expression of agreement
go fair Chance
A fair sip of the sauce bottle A request for fair treatment
A fair crack of the whip A request for fair treatment
Wild An uncivilized, unkempt or anti-social person
Plano Flannel shirt
pedestrian football
whipped beer
furphy A false or improbable story claimed to be factual


Good Day Hello
shaved Stupid or stupid
Garbo Someone who collects trash
good ship Well done
grog alcohol
Unlucky, I had a I had enough
Australian slang


Yaka is hard hard work
piles Much
fortune A reckless driver or someone who behaves foolishly
the euro goodbye
cutie attractive person

I am

Idiot box TV set
questionable uncertain or questionable
iso “isolation” or “self-isolation”
Itchy feet Desire to travel or move to new things


Jackaroo or Jillaro Apprentice or intern on a sheep or cattle station
Joe Blake snake
John Dory, what is it? What’s going on, what’s the gossip?
Journalist journalist or reporter


buddy Kindergarten or kindergarten
sleep nap
dumb tired or exhausted
knock visit
Knock back refusal
deduct Finish the work for the day


Larkin Someone who is a mischievous person, disrespectful or playing practical jokes
steep throw something
loli Sweets or sweets


Maccas McDonald’s
Partner A term of friendship or companionship, similar to “friend” or “friend”
moolah Of money
Mozzie mosquito
cup fool
mullet Hairstyle short on top and long at the back
gather A collection or assembly of animals, or a social gathering in the Land of Israel
Aussie Slang Guide 1


Dark to annoy or annoy someone, or a person who informs others.
forever Outback Australia, especially remote or unknown areas
No drama It’s okay, don’t worry about it
no worries An expression of forgiveness or assurance
Not the sharpest tool in the shed A way of saying that someone is not very intelligent
naked naked
dormant a stupid or stupid person


oker A stereotypically rude or uncultured Australian
Oh A call used to get someone’s attention or express excitement, similar to “hi”
old partner A general term for a person, especially when his name is unknown
on the nose Something that smells bad or doesn’t look right
op shop Abbreviation of “opportunity store” – second hand store or charity store
get out of balance Something is not working or functioning properly
Outback The remote or rural areas of Australia
courage Australia


Fash A long and passionate kiss
pav Pavlova, an Australian dessert
Furious drunk
pokey Poker machine or slot machine
Polly politician
postie Dever
Posey position
Prezi Gift


shoot, do a earn a living, earn money


rack Go away
Ranga A man with red hair
enthusiastic satisfied, satisfied
rat bag stupid person
calculate think or “you bet”
rellie Relative, family member
to tear a hole Great, fantastic
Ripa big
raise up turn up
rusty From practice, worn out


Singer Sandwich
Servo Gas station or service station
Sheila A woman, especially an Australian woman
She would be right Everything will be fine
shoot through leave
Shout out, mine My turn to buy a round of drinks, a meal, coffee, etc.
sick A day off from work due to illness
smoko Smoke or coffee break
rupture sausage
spit the dummy get very angry
jumped Caught doing something wrong
Streut An expression of surprise or shock, similar to “wow” or “oh my god”
sun Sun glasses
swaying Rolled sheets
Australian slang


ta Thanks
tall poppy a successful person
Tassie Tasmania
tea Dinner
T-up to set up, to organize
Tell him he’s dreaming Answer when someone doesn’t offer a fair deal
TV set TV set
flip flops flip flops or sandals
metallic A beer can or a small aluminum boat
too true Agree, enthusiastically
the upper edge The northern part of Australia
trackie often Tracksuit bottoms or sweatpants
tradie professional
true blue Aussie or really authentic
Tucker food
duos Swimmers, swimsuit
stuck Be tight and comfortable in bed


u-ey U-turn while driving
Uggies ugg boots, Australian sheepskin boots
unco uncoordinated
under the pump under pressure
underpants underpants
raise yourself up Being arrogant or self-important
ute A utility vehicle, similar to a van


Plant outside relax
vegetables vegetables


Whining to complain
wombat A native Australian marsupial (also a stupid person)
Wrap up your laughter gear eat or consume something


Yes are you
Yabi A freshwater crab found in Australian waterways
Yaka Working
wire story or conversation
Yobo An uncivilized or boisterous person
mammals long time
are you Both of you, all of you
yammu Delicious, tasty or delicious

Now you had Captain Cook on this list, what do you think?

Can you think of anything worth including?

Tell me in the comments below. Ta.

But for now, that’s cheers from me.
