Originally published on February 28, 2017

I got these rings for free Kahlo. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I expressed are 100% my own.

Whether you’re a fitness freak, an adventure junkie, or just looking for a ring that delivers comfort, you must check out Qalo rings.

My husband and I have been wearing Kahlo rings for years and we love them. Not only are they perfect for those of us who live an active lifestyle, but for anyone who doesn’t want to accidentally lose or damage their wedding rings.

Check out more reasons why you need a Qalo ring below!

Great for any type of activity:

Whether you lift weights, swim, hike or rock climb, Kahlo’s ring is for everyone. Unlike your traditional wedding bands, these guys are made of medical grade silicone, and contain no latex. So you no longer have to worry about scratching your precious jewelry.

They are customizable:

There are many different collections available. You can choose color, width, flat strap, curved strap, stackable or even engravable straps.

Learn all the reasons why you need a Qalo ring.

Perfect for military personnel or anyone unable to wear traditional rings due to risk of injury:

My husband especially loves this ring! Due to part of his activity in the army, it is dangerous for him to wear a traditional metal band. But now he is able to wear the Kahlo ring without any fear of injury.

Reasonable price:

Ranging from $14 to $40, they’re a great price to pay for peace of mind. They also have gift sets, dog tags and many other accessories available online.

A great option for people with arthritis:

Because Calo rings are so light and flexible, they are a great option for anyone with arthritis (or arthritis-like symptoms). If I have a flare, I often prefer wearing Kahlo rings over my traditional rings because of the convenience.

Learn all the reasons why you need a Qalo ring.

While a Qalo ring isn’t designed to completely capture your stunning jewelry, they are a great option to have when needed. Check out all the options available at Qalo.com.
