Delicious and mellow, this is how you make a perfect retro Australian risul!

Rissolini are stacked on top of each other with a little sauce on top.

They have been in regular rotation on Australian dinner menus for years. This Rissoles recipe highlights why their popularity has endured – helping you create delicate, flavor-packed rissoles that will have everyone asking for more!

Rissoles are piled on a plate and served with beans and mash.

Homemade Rissoles: More than a meal

Rissoles originated in France and evolved into various forms around the world – usually coated in breadcrumbs or wrapped in pastry.

In Australia, we stripped the sole back to bare form – no coating at all! But they have become something that is a little more than just a meal.

Rissoles have become embedded in Australian culture.

First, using slang.

We’ll see you spinning like a bottom. (see you later)

Feel like drinking later near the bottom? (Feel like drinking later at the RSL club?)

However, the humble screen has even made its way into our movies.

“The Castle”, an Australian cinematic gem from 1997, introduced us to the Kerrigan family who captured the idea of ​​the “little Australian warrior” with lots of laughs along the way.

It may be the most quoted Australian film ever, with so many one liners that we still love to circulate today. How is peace??

It also includes this hilarious rissole-themed exchange at the dinner table:

Daryl Kerrigan: “Oh, that’s beautiful, dear. What are these things called again?

Sal Kerrigan: “Rissoles. Everyone’s cooking rissoles dear.”

Daryl Kerrigan: “Yes but it’s what you do with them.”

It’s funny but true!

And I’ll tell you exactly what you need to do with them to create the best Aussie covers ever. A spray recipe that will go straight to the pool room!

Classic Rissoles recipe

Now, if you’ve ever had a not-so-great restraint experience, that’s enough to turn you off for years. Maybe forever.

But I did the research to make sure this recipe would turn a person who has had the worst rissole experience into a rissole lover for life.

I started with a “favorites” recipe published in “This Handy Little Cookbook to Keep” from 1984, pictured below. Whoever pushed this copy did keep it…and almost 40 years later I still keep it.

A retro recipe book containing a rissole recipe.

I looked at many other popular rissole recipes, in old cookbooks and around the internet, but in the end I came back to this “favorite rissole” recipe and changed it just a little to come up with my version.

And remember, “It’s what you do with them” – that’s the secret.

And I will tell you what to do with them, what to put in them, how to cook them, what to cook them in and what goes well with them!

Rissoles ingredients

This list will help you know what you will need to add to the shopping list for the night of the forays.

You will find the amounts of the ingredients at the end of the post on the recipe card.

  • ground beef beef (Ground beef)
  • Onion
  • Fresh bread crumbs (sauté a few slices of day-old white bread, and yes, you can use store-bought breadcrumbs as an alternative)
  • Carrot
  • egg
  • Chopped parsley (preferably fresh, but you can use dried parsley if that’s all you have)
  • tomato sauce (it’s ketchup in some parts)
  • Worcestershire sauce (leave the parsley if you want, leave the tomato sauce, but I think this ingredient is essential)
  • salt and pepper
  • butter and Fat (to fry the rissoles in).
Ingredients for soles on the kitchen bench.

What do you cook rissoles with?

Growing up, I remember mom making eyelashes in the electric pan.

Remember these?

You can still find them in some kitchens, but by the 1980s I estimate they were in 99% of Australian kitchens.

Today, many of us prefer to reduce the number of appliances in our cupboards – I even use my gas stove for frying chips in oil instead of deep frying.

To cook rissoles, you want a heavy-based fryer.


Pans with a heavy bottom are thicker at the base, and tend to absorb and dissipate heat from the stove better than a thinner pan.

The pan I use and love to make these cups and many other wonderful foods is the one in the picture below: Aussie Made Iron Pan by Solidteknic that comes seasoned and with a multi-hundred year guarantee! Yes, you read that right. This cookware is meant to become a family heirloom.

Pan and rolls

Of course, you can also cook them on the barbecue – another popular option.

How to make Rissoles

Ok, so you have the ingredients and you’ve chosen a pan to cook your sauce in.

let’s move

Grate the carrot and onion and lightly beat the egg.

Then, simply mix all the ingredients – except the butter and oil – in a mixing bowl.

You can try to combine it with a spoon, but I find the best way is to put your hands in and mix everything together.

After that, flour your hands before shaping the mixture into about 10 cups.

Risulas are shaped like flattened balls (see pictures below).

Use a dessert spoon to slightly flatten the tops and create a slightly concave shape.

let’s cook

Heat butter and oil in a pan.

Using both butter and oil is something I do a lot and it was also mentioned in the “favorite rissoles” recipe that I borrowed from for this recipe.

Mixing oil and butter Actually increases smoke point and flavor, giving you the best of both worlds when it comes to frying. When searing foods that need to be browned, such as riscos, this is a particularly good option.

Cook both sides of the rissole in the pan until browned and cooked (about 4 minutes on each side).

Rissolini can burn, so you’ll need to know your pan and stove. As a general rule, let the pan heat up on medium heat.

Let the risolis form a crust and then lower the heat a little after a minute or so.

Continue cooking for a few more minutes and then give the pieces a little wiggle with tongs before turning to cook the other side.

How to make risulas in simple steps.

Are my ziziz cooked?

Your tissues should be nicely browned on the outside to begin with.

Then comes the guessing game of whether they are half cooked.

You can buy a meat thermometer, stick it into your gate and check that it has reached at least 70 degrees Celsius.

I prefer the less scientific approach. I feel the top of the rissoles, and can tell if they are cooked by how firm they are.

To learn how they should feel as they cook, simply press them occasionally throughout the cooking process and then cut one into the other when you think they’re done. You will soon learn how to use this easy method to judge when rissoles are cooked.

What to serve with resoles

In my world, the only thing served with rissole is mashed potatoes and some bens or other greens.

If you want to be a little fancy, add some sauce and a sprinkling of chopped parsley.

If you are serving this to children, you may want to add a generous amount of tomato sauce.

Submission of newsletters

of course, Very versatile resole soles. There are many ways to serve them, including:

Enjoying rissoles in a different way? Let us all know in the comments below!

Ideas for variations

I love this recipe just the way it is.

But, I get it, we all like to customize things to our taste.

You can try this recipe with:

  • ground chicken instead of beef
  • Wholemeal breadcrumbs instead of white breadcrumbs
  • Oregano or another herb instead of parsley
  • Barbecue sauce instead of tomato sauce
  • Zucchini instead of carrots.

Frequently asked questions about recipes

I’m going to leave you with some final tips and FAQs.

That. Why did my soles fall apart?

It can be difficult to diagnose, with a variety of possible causes.

However, the following are the most likely reasons:

  • You omitted the egg (this ingredient is important to bind the tissues)
  • The mixture was too dry or too moist (what breadcrumbs did you use? Was the carrot too big?)
  • The heat was too high (that is, the streams are burnt on the outside and not cooked in the middle)
  • Over-mixing or over-handling the mixture (this may cause the meat proteins to bond too strongly, creating a dense and crumbly texture)
  • Not properly shaping the rissoles before cooking (shape the mixture into consistently sized rissoles and smooth out any obvious cracks with your hands before cooking).

advice: To reduce the chance of this happening, you can also rest the rissole mixture in the refrigerator for about half an hour before rolling into rissoles.

That. Can you cook rissoles in the oven?

You can, but they’re not as tasty. Bake in a moderate oven for half an hour.

That. I’m tired of misogyny. Give me some more ideas.

Sure. How about salmon rissole for a change? Other retro favorites include curry sausages, chicken curry, spag bol, apricot chicken and chilli con carne.

That. What is a perfect dessert following this meal?

I have lots of ideas. Why not try the Apple Sponge, Bread and Butter Pudding, Tim Tam Balls, Lemon Delicious or Crème Caramel. Or browse the entire collection of desserts.

Rissolini are stacked on top of each other with a little sauce on top.
  • 500 gram ground beef beef (Ground beef)
  • 1 Onion, grated
  • 1/2 Goblet Fresh bread crumbs (If using packaged breadcrumbs, use slightly less, about 1/3 cup)
  • 1 Carrot, grated
  • 1 Egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 tablespoon Chopped parsley
  • 1 tablespoon tomato sauce (ketchup)
  • 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
  • salt and pepper (taste)
  • 20 gram butter
  • 2 teaspoons Fat
  • Mix all the ingredients except the butter and oil in a bowl and mix well (use your hands!).

  • Shape into about 10 rolls with floured hands. Use a dessert spoon to slightly flatten the top.

  • Heat butter and oil in a pan. Cook both sides of the rissoles in a pan until browned and cooked (about 4 minutes on each side)

  • Serve with mashed potatoes and vegetables.

Calories: 184KKL | Carbohydrates: 6G | protein: 10G | Fat: 13G | Saturated fat: 5G | Polyunsaturated fat: 1G | Unsaturated fat: 6G | trans fat: 1G | Cholesterol: 56mg | sodium: 120mg | potassium: 204mg | fiber: 1G | Sugar: 1G | vitamin: 1134IU | Vitamin C: 2mg | calcium: 28mg | iron: 1mg
