crisp Chinese chicken ramen salad Made with rotisserie chicken, three types of cabbage, carrots, green onions, mandarin oranges and sweet oxygen Homemade salad dressing.

The chicken is completely optional, but I can’t make it without it. With added protein, it does great Lunch or main dish for Dinner. I especially like the marinated chicken The original Japanese barbecue sauce. It’s been sold everywhere lately, but I first found it at Costco. It’s so good and goes perfectly with this salad! Using rotisserie chicken makes it so simple So there is Minimal cooking!

It Oriental chicken salad It is a great dish for a Potluck. I remember when I was 15, I went to a college camp. I stayed the first night with a girl I grew up with and her roommates. We went to a small BBQ/picnic and a girl made a salad with blown ramen noodles. I thought it was so weird. Years later my friend gave me this recipe and it is delicious. Very light, but delicious and these ramen noodles add the most amazing crunch!

Ingredients for Chinese Ramen Chicken Salad

At first glance, it’s going to seem like a long list of ingredients, but I promise it’s worth it! The taste is so bold! Here’s what you’ll need…


  • peanut oil: The base of the homemade salad dressing, adds a subtle nutty flavor
  • Peanut Butter: You want creamy peanut butter
  • Sugar: Balances the acidity of the vinegar
  • Rice vinegar: adds delicacy to the sauce
  • soy sauce: Grab low sodium so the sauce isn’t too salty
  • Sesame oil: The smallest part adds the most delightful nutty flavor


  • butter: used to toast the ramen noodles
  • Ramen noodles: Crush them so that they are bite-sized and throw away the seasoning packets
  • tonsils: Sliced ​​and fried with ramen noodles
  • Sesame: You can use black seeds or just regular seeds and they also get toasted with the ramen
Photo taken above several bowls containing all the ingredients for an oriental chicken salad with ramen noodles.


  • Baked cabbage: has a slightly sweeter taste and the leaves are soft and great for eating raw
  • green cabbage: finely chopped and added to the base of the salad
  • Red cabbage: finely chopped and adds a bright color
  • carrots: Grated on a cheese grater
  • Green onions: Adds that delicious onion flavor but is milder
  • Mandarin oranges: squeezed and left whole

This should only be a brief overview of the ingredients needed for homemade salad and dressing. For the required measurements of each ingredient, scroll down to the recipe card at the end of the post.

A picture of a bowl full of shredded cooked chicken sitting next to a bowl of shredded cabbage and a small bowl of mandarin oranges.

How to make oriental chicken salad

The steps to make a Chinese chicken salad are really simple. I will include the basic instructions here, but for all the details, jump to the recipe card.

Watch how to make Chinese chicken ramen noodle salad


Place the chicken in a ziplock with the original Japanese barbecue sauce and allow it to marinate in the refrigerator. This can be made up to a day ahead of time, but let it soak for at least 30 minutes.

Picture of crushed ramen noodles being cooked in a shallow dutch oven.


The sauce must be cooked on the stove to properly blend all the ingredients. Add all the ingredients together in a pot and bring to a boil. Let it boil for a minute and then let it cool to room temperature.


Mash the uncooked ramen noodles in a gallon size freezer bag. advice: I like to use a meat tenderizer to mash them up. Very therapeutic! Melt the butter in a pan over medium heat, then add the noodles, almonds and sesame and stir occasionally until browned. Transfer them to a plate to cool.

Image of shredded cabbage and grated carrot in a glass bowl.


Finely cut all the cabbages, slice the green onion and grate the carrot. Mix everything in a large bowl. Add the drained oranges, the chicken and the roasted ramen (with almonds and sesame) and pour the sauce on top. Toss to coat and serve immediately.

Close-up of Oriental Chicken Ramen Salad with Purple and Green Cabbage, Mandarin Oranges and Crispy Ramen Noodles.

Tips for the best Chinese chicken salad

  • I use a mandolin to slice my cabbage extra thin.
  • If you are in a hurry, you can use a package of coleslaw mix to save time.
  • If you can’t find that particular brand of barbecue sauce, use teriyaki sauce to flavor the chicken.
  • Add sauce just before serving. You don’t want it sitting too long on the ramen noodles.
Photo taken over a large glass bowl filled with oriental chicken salad with ramen noodles.

How is napa cabbage different from regular cabbage?

Napa cabbage has a sweeter taste and the leaves are much softer.

Is cabbage good for you?

Cabbage is a low-calorie vegetable rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that may protect against heart disease, certain types of cancer and vision loss.

Image of a bowl of Chinese chicken salad that includes crispy ramen noodles, red and green cabbage, mandarin oranges, sliced ​​almonds and sesame seeds.

Variations for oriental chicken salad

You can add or omit anything you want to this salad! It is very easy to customize. Some items that can be added might be sunflower seeds, diced red pepper, snow peas, black olives, broccoli florets, soil, etc.

Can this salad be made in advance?

I like to make the noodles and dressing for a homemade salad in the morning and store them separately. I’ll often put the sauce in the fridge and then stick it on the counter an hour before dinner to loosen it up. You can even prepare both a day or two ahead of time.

When you are ready to serve the salad, add the noodles and sauce to the cabbage mixture and mix everything together. Serve immediately.

Image of a Chinese chicken salad in a large glass serving bowl

How to store Chinese chicken salad

Salad should be eaten shortly after making it, but leftovers can be kept in the refrigerator for a day or two. The ramen and almonds will lose their crunch over time.

Chinese chicken salad With ramen noodles it is a flavor powerhouse, not to mention bright and beautiful! Perfect for a summer potluck! Everyone will ask for the recipe.

Dishes: 12

Preparation time: 2 hour (and 15 subtlety

total time: 2 hour (and 15 subtlety


crisp Chinese chicken ramen salad Made with rotisserie chicken, three types of cabbage, carrots, green onions, mandarin oranges and sweet oxygen Homemade salad dressing.

for the chicken

  • If you are using chicken, add it to a ziplock with the original Japanese BBQ sauce and marinate in the refrigerator until ready to eat.

    2 cups rotisserie chicken, 1 cup of the original Japanese barbecue sauce

for the dressing

  • In a pot over medium heat, whisk together all the ingredients for the sauce and let it boil. Once it boils, set the timer for one minute and let it boil for the whole minute. Remove from heat to a bowl to cool to room temperature.

    3/4 cup peanut oil, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup rice vinegar, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1/8 teaspoon sesame oil

For the ramen

  • Add the ramen noodles to a quart-sized freezer bag and crush them into small pieces using a meat tenderizer.

    3 packs of ramen noodles

  • In a pan over medium heat, add the butter and melt.

    1/2 cup of butter

  • Pour in the noodles, almonds and sesame seeds, mix the butter until it is well coated and then continue to mix occasionally until the brown butter starts to brown and smell nutty.

    1/3 cup almonds, 1/4 cup sesame seeds

  • Pour on a plate to cool. See Comment.

For the salad

  • Cut the end of the cabbage and the heart and throw away. Repeat with the rest of the cabbage and then use a sharp knife or mandoline to slice the cabbage into long pieces. set aside.

    3/4 head of baked cabbage, 1/3 head of green cabbage, 1 cup red cabbage

  • Slice your green onions and add them to the bowl along with all the other ingredients and mix well with the sauce.

    1/2 cup carrot, 6 green onions, 1-2 cans of mandarin oranges

  • Serve immediately.

  • I use a mandolin to slice my cabbage extra thin
  • Chicken is optional and the BBQ is only used to marinate the cooked chicken, otherwise leave it out.
  • If you can’t find this particular brand of barbecue sauce, use teriyaki sauce instead
  • I like to make my sauce and noodles in the morning and just store the sauce on the counter and the noodles in a sealed bag.

Salad should be eaten shortly after making it, but leftovers can be kept in the refrigerator for a day or two.

dose: 1GobletCalories: 438KKLCarbohydrates: 41Gprotein: 6GFat: 29GSaturated fat: 9GPolyunsaturated fat: 6GUnsaturated fat: 12Gtrans fat: 0.3GCholesterol: 20mgsodium: 929mgpotassium: 416mgfiber: 4GSugar: 21Gvitamin: 1671IUVitamin C: 36mgcalcium: 130mgiron: 2mg

author: Sweet basil

Course: 100+ salad recipes to keep busy, 50+ best easy Asian recipes

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