This raw juice brings together the goodness of carrot, ginger and turmeric in one A health drink. And today, we’ll show you how to make it in a blender, no need for a juicer!

After the success of our health shot with ginger and turmeric, we decided to use these two healing roots again: this time to give a nice boost to the classic carrot juice.

We also added fresh pineapple and black pepper to the carrot, ginger and turmeric.

These two ingredients increase the absorption of ginger and turmeric for additional health benefits.

So what makes this spiced carrot juice so healthy?

It’s loaded with vitamins A and C and provides plenty of anti-inflammatory compounds, minerals and antioxidants, giving you General health boost.

And how does it taste? This golden juice is Incredibly fast Thanks to the combination of peppery ginger and earthy turmeric with sweet carrot and spicy pineapple.

The cool thing is You won’t need a juicer For this recipe, just a blender and a strainer or cheesecloth to strain the pulp.

So easy – so let’s jump right into it!

And if after this recipe, you have some ingredients left over, use them to make a raw turmeric ginger paste for a latte, a berry carrot smoothie or this Turmeric carrot chutney!

Common questions

What are the health benefits of ginger turmeric carrot juice?

This golden turmeric carrot juice is a health enhancing drink that helps to:

  • reduce inflammation

  • Increase the antioxidant capacity of the body

  • Increase immunity, fight colds and sore throats

  • Supports intestinal health and aids digestion

  • maintain healthy hair and skin

Do you need to peel ginger, turmeric and carrot before juicing?

Although the skins can be filtered with a juicer, cloth or strainer, it is best to peel the ginger, turmeric and carrot before mixing them to prevent pesticides and bitter compounds from getting into your juice.

Does raw turmeric juice need black pepper?

Yes, always add a pinch of ground black pepper to recipes with turmeric (made with fresh root or dry powder) to increase curcumin absorption, which can increase by 2000%.

How often should I drink turmeric ginger carrot juice?

One glass (300 ml/10 fl oz) of carrot juice a day covers the recommended daily intake of turmeric and ginger, plus vitamin A from carrots.

But you can drink as much juice as you want!

However, if you have a sensitive stomach or reflux, the spicy, peppery, and sour qualities of the ingredients may worsen your symptoms. So maybe you should stick to half a cup or one cup a day.

Also, consider diluting the juice with more water or drinking a tall glass of water afterward to avoid stomach acidity.

When is the best time to drink turmeric ginger carrot juice?

Drink this carrot turmeric juice with or after a light meal, such as breakfast, a mid-morning snack, or an afternoon snack.

Your meal may include some fats, which are needed to absorb the nutrients in the juice, such as vitamin A from carrots and curcumin from turmeric.

Also, not being completely on an empty stomach helps prevent stomach acidity if you have sensitive digestion.

How much ginger and turmeric should be juiced?

To make one cup of juice, use 8 to 15 grams of fresh root, about 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of grated turmeric or ginger root.

This is equivalent to 1 to 2 teaspoons of dry spice powder, which covers the recommended daily intake of turmeric and ginger.

How do you juice fresh turmeric, ginger and carrots without a juicer?

You can easily juice turmeric, ginger and carrots in a food processor.

Simply mix them with water and then strain the liquid through a strainer or cheesecloth to strain the pulp, collecting the smooth juice in a jug.


carrots 250 grams
Fresh ginger root 25 grams
Fresh turmeric root 25 grams
pineapple 150 grams
Fresh filtered water 500 ml
Ground black pepper 2 pinch

Level 1

Wash and peel the carrot, ginger root, turmeric root and pineapple.

Then, roughly chop them to make them easier to fit into the blender and blitz.


Transfer the ingredients to a strong blender, pour half of the given water, and saute until the carrots are tiny.

Then, add the rest of the water and saute again.

You should now have cloudy juice with chunks.

Carrot ginger turmeric juice in a blender

Step 3

Now, strain the turmeric carrot juice through a fine sieve or cheese cloth (nut milk slide), squeeze the pulp as hard as possible and collect the juice in a jug.

Ginger turmeric carrot juice filtered through a strainer

Step 4

Transfer the black pepper to the filtered juice (to increase the absorption of the turmeric) and mix well.

Your healthy turmeric ginger carrot juice is ready: pour it into a glass and sip it immediately – or enjoy it chilled from the fridge!

Ginger turmeric carrot juice in a glass


  • Try this juice with a pinch of ground cinnamon or cardamom for a hint of sweetness.

  • Don’t throw away the strained juice pulp: you can add it to baking and treats, like carrot cake energy balls or turmeric oatmeal balls.

  • After straining the juice, you can add one mashed banana for a creamier, sweeter finish and a fiber boost!

  • This ginger carrot juice is best enjoyed when made fresh, so aim to consume it the next day. But it will keep in the fridge for 4 days in an airtight bottle or jar.

  • After drinking this turmeric carrot juice, snack on some nuts: they contain healthy fats, which help increase the absorption of curcumin and turmeric’s vitamins.

