Sitting here thinking about what to eat for breakfast and knowing that I should write a blog soon. This week was my 10th anniversary of writing my food blog. I was going to do a “yes me” post but it’s been a crazy week and I just haven’t had time. I am on the board, actually the secretary, of a local charity. We have been making our only fundraising effort every June for the past 22 years. Plus I’m playing in a tournament so it’s kind of a crazy week/month of preparation, last minute details and everything that goes into it. It’s a lot of work but very rewarding.

Now we focus on what worked, what didn’t and what we need to do to improve. I think our follow-up meeting is just as important as our tournament. Even after all these years there are always things we can do better. Lucky for us we have some amazing supporters, amazing volunteers and our golfers are the tournament’s most loyal fans. We are truly lucky and I am grateful.

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Sitting here in front of my husband, I mention that I was hungry, he gets excited and asks if I want to go to breakfast. I responded well, I was hoping you would do something for me. His comment “I’d be happy to prepare something for you” he still hasn’t moved. We’ll see how it goes. Meanwhile, I posted about this egg cup several years ago and it was very tasty and quite easy to make. I love when things go together, plus they are super cute and would be great not only for breakfast or brunch but sitting on a buffet table. Update: The husband left to work in the garden without making me breakfast. Insert sad face here, guess it works out for me.

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I used leftover hash browns so I didn’t have time to fill all 12 cups.

Grated egg cups


A light treat for a personal breakfast

  • Frozen hashish Defrosted and drained of all use their water is enough to fill a 12 cup muffin tin about 1/2 full
  • 12 eggs room temperature
  • 6 slices Bacon Or you can use ham or prosciutto
  • Kosher salt and black pepper 1 teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon pepper
  • ½ teaspoon sweet paprika
  • 1 teaspoon Fresh rosemary chopped
  • Chives for garnish
  • In a small to medium bowl, mix the paprika, rosemary, salt and pepper. Add the dried dried potatoes and mix well.

  • Spray the tin well. Add the brown fire mixture, the bottom is more important than the sides, but you want an indentation for the meat and egg to fit into. Bake at 375 for about 30 minutes.

  • Remove from the oven and place the meat you are using in the center. If bacon is sliced ​​in half, then half again; cross them. They can get a little stuck. Crack an egg in a small bowl and carefully transfer it to each mold.

  • Bake for 10-15 minutes, I watched them because I wanted the whites cooked but the yolk runny. There is a fine line so cook according to how you like your eggs. Scrape around the edges to loosen.
