Today we crack the difficult riddle that has left many bakers scratching their heads: “Why won’t my sourdough bread rise?” Ah, sourdough, with a spicy taste, a crispy crust and a soft and inviting interior – a real pleasure for the senses!

The main reason your sourdough won’t rise is an undeveloped starter. However, even with an active starter, speeding up the fermentation and rising process can also delay the rise of your bread. Always allow for at least 4 hours of fermentation, and an additional 3-4 hours for the dough to rise before baking.

Now, if you’ve ever tried your hand at baking this lovely bread at home, you know it can be a roller coaster of an experience. When everything comes together, and your kitchen is filled with the irresistible aroma of fresh bread, it’s pure joy. But when your dough just sits there like a stubborn lump that refuses to rise, it can be just as heartbreaking.

But don’t worry, I’ve been in those floury shoes, and I’m here to help! So let’s roll up our sleeves and jump into the top nine reasons why your sourdough bread might be a yeshiva. Grab your aprons, it’s time to bake!

Understanding the basic ingredients of sourdough bread

Before we dive into the recipe, let’s take a moment to appreciate the simplicity and magic of sourdough bread. Four humble ingredients – flour, water, salt, and our star player, the starter. This effervescent concoction is the magical leavening agent that gives the dough life and personality, causing it to rise and become the delicious loaf we all love.

See also: Why sourdough won’t hold its shape

The main reasons your sourdough bread won’t rise

Topic Description solution
Lack of Active Starter If your sourdough starter isn’t active enough, it won’t have the yeast needed to make the bread rise. Make sure your starter is active and bubbling before using it. Feed it regularly and consistently to keep it alive and healthy.
Insufficient rise time Sourdough bread often needs a longer rise than other types of bread because of the natural yeast. Allow more time for the dough to rise. This can range from a few extra hours to overnight, depending on the recipe and the environment.
temperature factors The temperature of the room or the dough may affect the swelling process. Yeast thrives in certain temperatures and can become inactive if it’s too cold or too hot. Try to keep the room temperature consistent while your dough rises. If your kitchen is too cold, you may need to find a warmer place for your dough. If it’s too hot, you may need to find a cooler place.
Dough hydration If the dough is too dry, it can inhibit the activity of the yeast and prevent the bread from rising properly. Make sure your dough is moist. The dough should be sticky but not too sticky. Adjust the amount of water or flour if necessary.
Old flour If your flour is old, it may not have the gluten content needed to allow the bread to rise properly. Use fresh flour. Make sure it is stored in a cool, dry place and used within its shelf life.
over protection If the dough is left to rise for too long, it may lose its structure and not rise in the oven. This is known as overprotection. Follow the recommended proofing times for your recipe. If the dough has doubled in volume and is puffy, it is most likely ready to bake.

1. Starter not active or weak

Unfortunately, my early baking days weren’t all sunshine and perfect loaves. I learned the hard way that the key to a beautifully risen sourdough starter is a strong and active starter. One of my initial attempts at baking this spicy bread resulted in a rather flat and lifeless loaf.

The strength of your starter significantly affects the rising ability of your dough. If your starter is inactive or weak (meaning it doesn’t produce enough gas), your dough will struggle to rise. You can tell if your starter is active enough if it doubles in volume within 4 to 6 hours of feeding. To strengthen a weak starter, try feeding him twice a day for a few days.

2. Incorrect water temperature

The temperature of the water plays a vital role in the activity of the yeast. Too cold, and the yeast will be sluggish; Too hot, and you can kill the yeast. The perfect water temperature for sourdough is lukewarm – around 85-90°F (29-32°C). Use a baking thermometer to ensure accuracy.

3. Insufficient kneading

Kneading develops gluten in the dough, provides structure and helps trap the gases released from the yeast. If your dough doesn’t rise enough, you may not be kneading enough. Aim to knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic – this usually takes about 10-15 minutes by hand.

4. Insufficient rise time

The rising (or proofing) is when the yeast ferments the dough, causing it to increase in volume. This process takes time – often more than you think! Depending on your recipe and environment, it can take anywhere from 2 to 12 hours for the sourdough to rise properly.

5. Too much or too little salt

Salt strengthens the gluten structure and slows down the yeast fermentation – both are essential for a good rise. However, too much salt can inhibit yeast activity, while too little can lead to overproofing. Aim for about 1.8-2% of your flour weight in salt.

6. Poor quality flour

The quality of your flour affects both the taste and the rise of your sourdough. Low quality flour may lack the protein content needed to develop a strong gluten network. For best results, use quality bread flour or whole wheat flour.

7. Improper hydration of the dough

Hydration refers to the ratio of water to flour in your dough and affects how stiff or loose your dough is – a factor that can affect its ability to hold gas and thus rise properly. For beginners, a hydration level of about 65% (ie, 65 grams of water for every 100 grams of flour) is a good starting point.

8. Wrong baking environment

The environment in which your dough is raised can affect its ability to do so effectively. The dough likes a warm, humid environment – ideally between 75-82°F (24-28°C). If your kitchen is too cold or dry, try letting your dough rise in a turned off oven with a pan of hot water on the bottom rack.

9. Adding ingredients that can affect the activity of the yeast

Certain ingredients, such as oils and fats, can coat flour proteins and prevent them from forming gluten – thus inhibiting the dough’s ability to rise properly. If you add such ingredients to your sourdough, do so after the initial fermentation has taken place.

Common questions

Can I still bake my dough if it hasn’t risen properly?

Yes, you can still bake unleavened dough – just remember that the texture may be denser than usual.

Is it possible to use all-purpose flour for sourdough?

Yes, but bread flour or whole wheat flour usually gives better results due to the higher protein content.

How long should I knead my dough?

Generally, you should knead until the dough is smooth and elastic – usually around 10-15 minutes by hand.

Can I speed up the rising of my dough?

Yes, placing your dough in a warm environment can help speed up the rise time – but be careful not to let it overheat!

How can I tell if my sourdough starter is active?

An active sourdough starter will be bubbly and have a pleasant, sour smell. If you feed it, it should double in size within 6 to 8 hours.


Baking this bread at home can be a very satisfying experience. However, it can also be frustrating, especially when your sourdough doesn’t reduce as expected. A common problem faced by most first time sourdough starters.

Understanding why your sourdough won’t rise is an essential part of mastering the art of sourdough baking. Although it can be frustrating when things don’t go as planned, remember that every failure is an opportunity to learn and improve.

Keep experimenting with different techniques until you get that perfect square! Happy baking!

Laura Ritterman

Hi, I’m Laura and after studying a master’s degree in nutrition, becoming a professional chef and appearing in major publications with my recipes I decided to create my own website. This site is where I share unique recipes, tips and cooking inspiration that will allow your culinary abilities to flourish. You can contact me here. For more information, you can find more about me.
