White pizza, does it ring the bell?

I’m sure we all love good pizza, right? I would say for sure most of the pizzas you have ever eaten were made with marinara sauce. But there is another way. Have you ever heard of a white pizza, in which the tomato-based marinade is replaced with a creamy white cheese and cheese sauce? Let me show you how it’s done. For toppings I use chunks of chicken, sweet corn and fresh mozzarella. Now let’s cook.

What is a white pizza?

As mentioned above, marinade or other tomato-based sauce is more or less the standard when it comes to making pizza. But, there are people who do not like tomatoes or just can not eat them for any reason. And so a white pizza was created.

Traditional white pizza, Also called Pizza Bianca, Does not use the sauce at all. It’s just the pizza crust brushed with olive oil and garlic, and over white cheeses and herbs. The white pizza I make does use the sauce but it is devoid of any tomato content, read on to find out more.

Chicken pizza ingredients and white corn

Ingredients for the white pizza sauce.

Tapping the pizza (Click for pizza dough recipe)
150 g (5 oz) Chicken Breast
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 tsp Garlic powder
Olive oil
3 tbsp sweet cream
3 tbsp Sour cream
1 nail minced garlic
3 tbsp Pecorino or Permigiano
Dried oregano
200 grams (7 ounces) Grated mozzarella
1/2 ball Fresh mozzarella
A handful of canned sweet corn

How to make white pizza with chicken.

Watch the video or scroll down for step-by-step instructions:

I start with the meat, so it has some time to absorb the flavors. Cut about 150 grams or 5 ounces of chicken breast into small bite-sized chunks. Season the chicken with olive oil, salt, pepper and a touch of garlic powder. Mix everything together and let the marinade for a few minutes, while we prepare the rest of the ingredients.

For the white sauce we need 3 tablespoons of heavy cream, 3 tablespoons of sour cream, a clove of crushed garlic and 3 tablespoons of pecorino or parmigiano. Whisk properly and the sauce is ready.

advice: The sauce should be slightly thick, add more pecorino or sour cream if it is too liquid.

Wondering how to make homemade pizza dough properly?

I have Pizza dough recipe Here on the blog already, along with a video, go check it out if you need some tips on how to do it.

Let’s create the pizza crust now. Put a good amount of flour on your desk so that the dough does not stick and you will start to form the crust. Use the same flour you used to make the pizza dough!

Creating the pizza crust.

Use your fingers and knuckles to gently push the dough out of the center. Turn the dough over and do the same from the other side. You can also rotate the dough, applying pressure to stretch it even further. Once the membrane is large enough, grab a roller and roll it out thinly. Try not to run over the edge, we want it to stay thicker from the center.

advice: Explaining the process of creating a pizza crust is quite difficult, so definitely check out the video above, to get a better idea of ​​the process.

Roll out the base of the pizza thinly.

Grease a pizza pan or baking paper with a little olive oil and transfer the crust to it. The oil prevents the dough from sticking to the mold. The round shape of the pan will help you make a really nice pizza so definitely get one if you make pizza often.

Spread the white sauce on top of the pizza crust now, You can be generous and make sure to create a uniform layer. I like the smell of oregano, so I always sprinkle the base of the pizza with it. You can also use fresh herbs of course.

Continue with a generous amount of grated mozzarella with low humidity. I use about 200 grams or 7 grams for one white pizza.

Add lots of grated mozzarella to your pizza.

Add a handful of canned sweet corn. Some people also use fresh or frozen corn, but I think canning works much better.

This white pizza tastes great with sweet corn.

Then come chunks of chicken breast in our marinade. Spread them evenly so that there is some meat on each “triangle”.

Now add the chicken pieces.

And finish it with fresh mozzarella that I just ripped by hand. I use about half an egg-sized mozzarella for one white pizza. Last sprinkle of oregano and we are ready for baking.

Our homemade white pizza is ready to bake.

Preheat the oven to the maximum temperature it is capable of and slide the pizza inside. Bake until the mozzarella pieces begin to brown and the edge is golden and crispy brown. Based on the oven temperature, It can take between 10 and 20 minutes.

Note: Professional pizza ovens reach a higher temperature than standard home ovens, so pizza is baked much faster in a restaurant.

Bake at maximum temperature for 10-20 minutes.

Our white pizza is ready and I think it looks absolutely amazing. Let me spread it out and check the edge, it should be crispy on the outside and full of air pockets on the inside.

The finished white chicken pizza looks great.

Very nice, it turned out really great, so I guess it’s time to eat. Thanks for reading and please come back to see more of my simple recipes.

Want to try pizza in marinara sauce? try me Recipe for Pizza Prosciutto and Gelfano.

Cut your pizza and enjoy.

Optional tips:

  • You can replace the chicken breast With chicken thighs or pork almonds, both work really well.
  • You are welcome to try the meat seasoning. You can make it spicy, use red paprika to add some color to the game, add some herbs to make it fragrant …
  • Are you a garlic lover? Brush the end of the pizza crust with garlic oil a few minutes before the end of baking.
  • Do you have fresh basil or rocket (rocket) on hand? Add some fresh leaves after the pizza is done.
  • White pizza is a very versatile dish, Just like any other pizza and you can definitely play with the toppings. I like this combination, but feel free to adjust it to your preferences.

Chicken pizza and white corn


Not every pizza is made in marinara sauce, there is also something called white pizza. Let me show you how I do mine. Coated with chicken breast chunks, fresh mozzarella and sweet corn.

Preparation time 10 subtlety

Cooking time 15 subtlety

Course Main Course

kitchen Italian

  • 1 Tapping the pizza Click for pizza dough recipe
  • 150 P Chicken Breast
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon Garlic powder
  • Olive oil
  • 3 Spoons sweet cream
  • 3 Spoons Sour cream
  • 1 clove minced garlic
  • 3 Spoons Pecorino or Permigiano
  • Dried oregano
  • 200 P Grated mozzarella
  • 1/2 A ball of fresh mozzarella
  • A handful of canned sweet corn
  • Prepare the pizza crust. I have a recipe for homemade pizza dough here on the blog, check if you need it.

  • Cut about 150 grams (7 oz) of chicken breast into bite-sized cubes. Season with olive oil and garlic powder. Add salt and pepper to taste and leave in the marinade for a few minutes.

  • Prepare the sauce for our white pizza by mixing heavy cream, sour cream, crushed garlic and pecorino or parmigiano.

  • Place the resulting pizza crust on a pizza pan greased with olive oil to prevent the dough from sticking to it.

  • Spread the white sauce on the base of the pizza evenly and sprinkle with dried oregano.

  • Add grated mozzarella, chicken chunks, sweet corn and chunks of fresh mozzarella.

  • Add more oregano and we are ready to bake.

  • Preheat the oven to maximum temperature and bake until the mozzarella pieces begin to brown. It will take 10-20 minutes, depending on the oven temperature.

  • Cut your white pizza and enjoy! 🙂

Key word Chicken pizza, white pizza, pizza in white sauce
